The Music Industry
In today’s digital age of music, downloading music is very common. Mobile phones have evolved to allow you to browse the internet anywhere you are. You can also plug headphones into your mobile device and listen to music you have on it or on the internet. What defines a mixtape today is much different than what a mixtape was 20 years ago. Mixtapes 20 years ago were mostly many different musical tracks recorded on a cassette tape. Today, even though cassette tapes are obsolete and the new format is CD, which is on its way of being replaced by digital music, these compilations are still called by the same name.
These products in the hip hop and rap genre are used today to break new artists. Unknown or well-established artists use musical tools to hopefully land a recording contract with a major record label. In today’s hip hop music industry, it is a must even for signed music artists to release projects to the streets. This helps to keep the artists relevant with their fans and also remind them that they still have what it takes to make hit records. Many artists will release free music downloads in between their album releases to hype up their retail efforts. Sometimes, if not most of the time, these projects are better and more in tune with the artist’s emotions then their retail album. This is because many of the record companies want their music to be album specific and liked by the general population. Mixtapes contain raw and uncut music that may not be suitable for an album, so it is released on a mixtape.
These products have been around for a very long time, but one artist that made these underground music compilations very popular was 50 Cent. He claims to have to be the inventor of these projects, but that is not true. Artist were being signed from street material before him. 50 Cent may have invented releasing a whole project with just him and his G-Unit members on it, but he did not invent it. DJ Clue, Fabolous and a whole slew of other artists would say otherwise.
Many aspiring hip hop musicians use these music compilations to help boost their career. They use this as a way for their music to be heard. Anyone that is serious about their music career will use this product to help establish them in their local community, city, state or even worldwide by means of the internet. Although these works mostly contain hip hop and rap music, some r&b artists have also used them to help establish themselves.